Saturday, November 17, 2007

Best Craft Store....and giveaway!

You voted and you picked it! The best Eastern Idaho Craft Store is.......

Now for the giveaway.......
The winner will receive a $10 gift card to Roberts - how perfect!
Good luck
a random blogger comment posted before 12pm 11-25-07 will be drawn. Only one entry per person. Winner will be announced on 11-26-07. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

A gift certificate to Roberts would be awesome! Put me into the draw!

Lesa Martinson said...

I love Roberts, its very resonably priced and of course who doesnt love their 40 and 50 percent off coupons? Pick me pick me!!

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

I have to agree with Lesa. Robert's is great, especially their coupons. Porter's...there was no way I could vote for them, having once worked for them and not liking many of their policies. Floral is 30% off?!?! It's 30% off straight out of the bag/box. Same with the baskets. They are always 50% off, even brand new. But I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Robert's. And Joann's, up by Fred Meyer, I get all my sewing stuff there.

Christen said...

I miss Roberts in Utah! (I know this is about Idaho...) Seriously, the West has the East beat in the craft department - hands down.